Thursday, May 3, 2007

5 Tips I Wish I Knew When Starting In Internet Marketing

When starting out in Internet marketing you are pulled in so many different directions you don't know whether your coming or going, you just wish somebody would sit you down and explain the Internet Marketing facts of life to you. Well I don't have time for that in this article but I will give you 5 tips I wish somebody would have forced down my throat when starting out.
1. You do not need to be on every Internet marketers email list.This is one I have really only recently forced myself to learn :-) I suppose we think by being on every Internet marketers "ezine" list we are going to get the inside track or as most of us tell ourselves keep our eye on the competition but in reality you only end up spending half the day going through email after email of people selling to you. Now its good to expose yourself to the way other Internet marketers do things and you can find out about some great resources and products but you must limit this otherwise you are wasting valuable time that you should be spending on YOUR business. To combat this I give the person whose email list I have joined 5 emails if you try and sell me without giving me any content in every email I unsubscribe simple!
2. No product has the secret to make you rich overnight.This one was a real problem for me, I suffered from get rich quick mentality so I was leaving myself wide open to any product that promised to make me rich in the shortest possible time. I am sure that is what many of us was attracted to Internet marketing in the first place. There is NO product that will make you achieve success overnight or even in your lifetime. It all depends on whether you have enough will to succeed and persistence to keep trying.
3. The best way to learn is by doing it yourself.It's great learning from other people's experience however until you get your hands dirty and work things out for yourself, what worked for someone else will not necessarily work for you only then will you truly understand how to replicate your success and make your own blueprint.
4. Don't waste time freebie hunting.Many of us start out trying to find everything for free due to limited budgets, tight ass ways etc. You must realise nobody is going to share every tactic and tip with you especially not for free. Buying products will give you the shortest learning curve, the rest you will work out for yourself with experience and testing.
5. Work on one project and one project only.When Internet marketing really starts to click in your head you start coming up with all sorts of ideas, this can be fatal because you will jump from one project to another without actually getting any live. For your first project make sure you concentrate on it 100% once you become an Internet marketing whizz kid only then can you start getting your fingers in all sorts of pies.I hope you enjoyed this article and have gained some knowledge that will help you on your journey to success.Black Hat Jack
By: Black Hat Jack

Black Hat Jack is the author of The Theory Of Internet Marketing and publisher of Black Hat Marketing Ezine you can find both for FREE at Black Hat Jack is dedicated to helping people who are serious about creating a successful home based online business.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Closing Is The Key To Selling

A now retired but well-respected sales trainer once said the three most important things to ensure a successful sale are: close,close, close.

There are numerous closing techniques with great names such as the Half Nelson, the Full Nelson, Puppy Dog Close and the Last Ditch Close. While it helps to have a catalogue of techniques to use in different situations knowing three basic methods will get you started.
1) The direct close: 'Fine, let's complete the paperwork', or 'Let's do the check now'.
2) The alternative close: 'Do you prefer to pay by check or cash?', 'Do you want red or green?', 'Do you want twelve or thirteen?'
3) The major/minor close: 'Will you be requiring ten extra handbooks to go with your course, or 12?', 'Do you want metallic paint on the car?' , 'Would you like a set of shoe trees to go with your shoes?'.

There is a golden rule to closing: once you have asked any form of closing question to conclude your business, SHUT UP. Many sellers can't bear what they perceive as the pressure of the silence and start talking again, even though the only person suffering the pressure is the seller.

However, some prospects just can't or won't make a decision with one of the fundamental closes. Some will procrastinate. Others hope the decision will be made by somebody else. Others actually fear making buying decisions.

If this happens, it is likely you are talking to the wrong person and have been wasting your time with a slick presentation. A simple question when setting the appointment is 'Would there be anybody else, who might be involved in making the decision to purchase?' . This gently ensures that the prospect is your MAN - the one with the Money, Authority and Need.

It all comes down to attitude and determination to ask for the business. Persist and find out how best to show the prospect that your product is perfect for them. If they see you as a consultant you have a much better chance than if they perceive you as a peddler.

Don't make the mistake of leaving a brochure at the end of the presentation in place of closing the prospect. Usually the only person that benefits from this on a regular basis is your printer! Leaving brochures only leads to procrastination on both sides. Distributing sales literature is all activity but no achievement.

It is vital to be realistic about some prospects. There are time wasters, and there are some wallies! Don't waste your time selling to them but always leave with a polite parting and leave the door open for future contact

About the Author: is the premier resource for advice on passing your exams and getting help with your next exam paper Go to for more

Friday, April 20, 2007

Learn before you Practice Internet Marketing

Today I was fortunate to enroll in a course to learn about Internet Marketing.
Lots of newbies tend to start a Home at Work Business before learning about
marketing .
Why is that so important?
The answer is obvious: you can't do a good job, if you don't know How to do it.
And , besides, there are lots of gurus out there and you can't even think about
competing with them, with no minimum skills. Now, if you learn and practice, then
you might one day become one of them.
I've see all different kinds of offers on Internet:e-books, more e-books, MLM,
try this, try that. But haven't seen yet someone that really wanted to teach you
"how" .
I want to build solid foundations, to invest in my future as Internet Marketer.
Now I feel I am on the right path.
I will learn how to fish first, and then go to the sea and catch big ones!

by:Grace Alleshouse
This is where I found this gem:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why Easy Money and Internet Marketing don't Live in the Same House

Recently, we featured a story on our blog, about a man who quit his job (a six figure job at that) to pursue an internet marketing business full time.
Here's an excerpt of what one person wrote in the comment section. "It is interesting to hear of internet marketing success from a non advertisement online. I wonder who these people are who are making all that money! There should be more advice and real world business plans instead of how easy it is to make money online." Why is there so much advertising that promises easy money? A major part of it is of course the times we live in. With the internet and mass communication growing daily, more people than ever before have access to legitimate money making opportunities. A handful have taken the plunge and come up wildly successful in a very short period of time without much effort. Is it really that easy?
As a norm, the answer is an emphatic no. Most online business people either make no money or so little that it is impossible to stay in business.
So why this overwhelming glut of advertising that promises fast easy money but rarely delivers? P.T. Barnum once said there was a sucker born every minute. I'm not sure about that, but there is no denying that many people want their success to be quick and painless. It is mind boggling to think that many would be entrepreneurs believe all they have to do to be successful with internet marketing online is put up a website or affiliate link and presto chango, instant cash. The phrase for this and not a complimentary one is "get rich quick." With a hot market like that it is amazing the gurus don't make more money.
Rich Schefren a highly successful entrepreneur and consultant calls this kind of thinking, "believing in fairies". People who spend tons of money and go from one offer to the next in the hunt for the secret formula or the super neato fairy dust that once you sprinkle it on your computer monitor will turn your online business into a profit powerhouse. I'm exaggerating that last part but the point is many people would rather focus on these kinds of actions instead of coming to grips with the unvarnished truth: When it comes to building an internet marketing business, overnight success is almost non-existent. It doesn't mean that you don't check your email for various offers or information that can help. You always want to keep alert to that but if the offer is too good to be true, than it is too good to be true. When the guru says "do nothing and make money right now" or something similar hit the delete key or better yet set up an email filter. None of this is new. Whether traveling the Old West by wagon or setting up shop in cyberspace, gurus will always exist. Why?
Because they know there is a limitless supply of people who want no parts of what it takes to build a business.
6.Money (used wisely)
Later on you will definitely add more to this list so accept the challenge right now of building and growing your internet marketing business. It's going to be tough but the hard work it takes will make your success that much sweeter.
Author Resource:- Daryl Campbell is an online business owner and affiliate marketer. It is easy to get lost in the jungle of internet marketing. So what do you do? Get yourself an Internet Marketing Guide. Free tips, tools, resources, coaching, video and up to the minute news and information to help you get out of the jungle. Get started now at Internet Marketing Guide